Glynn County Schools is seeking public feedback and comment regarding its application for a
state Education Flexibility Program (Ed Flex) waiver for the receipt and use of carryover funds in
state Education Flexibility Program (Ed Flex) waiver for the receipt and use of carryover funds in
“Title IA of ESEA as amended by ESSA permits LEAs to carry over not more than 15% of Title IA funds not
expended within the fiscal year awarded to the next fiscal year. While the law permits LEAs to carry over
funds, LEAs are encouraged to expend the fiscal year’s allocation within that fiscal year. The law
specifies requirements for the expenditure of carryover funds exceeding the 15% carryover limitation.
When the LEA fails to expend at least 85% of the allocated funds within the fiscal year (ESEA §1127a),
LEAs can request a waiver using the Ed-Flex waiver request within the CLIP.”
This waiver allows Glynn County to receive any unspent funds from FY24 to be expended during FY25, in
the event that the district does not meet the 85% threshold.
To provide your feedback, please contact Kim Gabriel, GCSS Federal Programs Director, at
(912) 267-4100, ext. 1545, or through email at Feedback, comments,
or questions regarding the Ed Flex waiver will be considered from May 23 to June 6, 2024.